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About us

Who we are


Created in 2011, SPYGEN is a French biotechnology company specialising in molecular ecology. SPYGEN is a spin off from the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA; CNRS – Université Grenoble 1 – Université Savoie Mont Blanc), a pioneer in the development of biodiversity monitoring methods based on environmental DNA (eDNA). LECA and SPYGEN have produced numerous innovations in this field, with 6 patents and more than 50 scientific publications on eDNA. Since its creation, SPYGEN has striven continually to improve the diversity and performance of the eDNA expertise offered, with an experienced team and with the support of many scientists and institutional partners worldwide.

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Philosophy & Commitment


“Our primary objective is to provide innovative technologies that allow better monitoring and protection of biodiversity on a world scale. The development of our company is based on a model of sustainable enterprise through which the benefits generated by commercial activities enable the financing of research and conservation projects for key species and ecosystems.”

Tony DEJEAN, Chairman


Since its creation, SPYGEN has been committed to a quality approach that enables the reliability of the provisions offered, as well as the constant enhancement of its services. For this purpose, SPYGEN has a quality management system, a team made up of experts carrying out in the environmental DNA (eDNA)  analyses, and a 200 m² technological platform specifically developed to meet the requirements associated with eDNA analysis.

SPYGEN is certified ISO 9001 since 2016.

Certified B Corporation®

Since 2018, SPYGEN has been certified B Corporation®. This international certification, issued by the NGO B Lab®, is based on the company’s social and societal performance, but also on its commitment to transparency and accountability. The B Corp™ community now brings together more than 2300 companies around the world who, through their values and business models, want to use their financial performance to resolve societal issues. Through the development of its technologies and its involvement in numerous conservation programs, SPYGEN has naturally set itself the mission of improving the monitoring and conservation of biodiversity at a global scale.


Scientific partners

Institutional partners